The Ballestero Blog

"That's what I'm talking about!"

Archive for July 2015

Boycott Trashy Gumbo

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“If There’s Anything I Can’t Stand, It’s Trashy Gumbo!”

I love pretty much everything about the South. I’m neither a Southerner nor a Cajun Chef, but I do have taste buds that seldom lie. Before I married at the age of twenty-one, I’d already lived in twenty-two houses and attended twenty-six schools. So, I’ve gotten to see all of America growing up. It feels like I’ve lived everywhere, but most of my life has been spent in Indiana, so that feels most like home. It certainly is a non-gumbo state.

Since the beginning of my ministry, I have preached mainly in the South. Everyone there considers me a Yankee, even though I am a Westerner by birth. That being said, since I know I how to say, ya’ll and you guys, I somehow must be bi-lingual.

For the benefit of my non-southern friends, the folks down in Cajun Country are very particular about their Gumbo. They don’t freely call someone’s chicken and sausage soup, a Gumbo. Family recipes are treasured and protected. The Seafood Restaurants that serve great Gumbo will always have full parking lots.

I’ve eaten Gumbo with light rue, dark rue, and very dark rue. There are some Gumbos so thin that one could almost read a newspaper at the bottom of the bowl. I even eat my Gumbo with a scoop of hot potato salad and a boiled egg in it. My family really loves good Gumbo. Our cupboard always has some Tony’s, Cajun hot sauce and Creole seasoning in it too.

I have often been treated to what in my mind is the World’s finest Gumbo. But I didn’t start out eating good Gumbo. I preached a revival in rural Louisiana in the early sixties and the poor pastor and his wife made me my first taste of what they said was Gumbo. I ate it, not knowing if it was good or bad.

My teaching at home was to eat what was set before me, so I did. They told me after the dishes were done that it was ‘possum gumbo. My stomach had a board meeting that night to decide whether to keep the possum down or let it go free. It stayed, much to my disappointment.

Catching Southerners in candid moments when they are talking about someone else’s cooking is always memorable. I recently heard a dear southern friend confide to me, “If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s trashy gumbo.” They really meant it too.

I’ve eaten ‘good Yankee Gumbo’ and good ‘Cajun Gumbo’ and I love it when I can get it. I’ve eaten stuff passed off as Gumbo and felt the need to pray for strength to get it all down. If gumbo tastes trashy, I may not even get through the first bowl.

Trashy Gumbo? Well, yes! You see, all the cooks have at their disposal the right ingredients, but the way bad cooks put it all together leaves a horrible distaste in the mouth of those who know the difference between good gumbo and trashy.

  • No table guest in the South is prepared to suck his or her gumbo up through a straw because it got watered down so much in the kitchen.
  • There’s some cooks make Gumbo so hot that no one can eat it without getting heartburn.
  • Others use meat so sparingly you wonder why they even bothered.
  • Then there’s some Gumbo that make’s me wonder if my old possum had any kin folks that made it over into my Gumbo again.

When It Comes To Doctrine And The Important Things Of God, Apostolic Preachers Have The Right Ingredients.


If There’s Anything I Can’t Stand, It’s Trashy Gumbo.


Brother Ballestero, Are You Talking Gumbo Or Church?

I’m Talking Mainly About Church.

Some folks may feel like they are actually being fed when they hear a watered down message, or one with no meat, no doctrine or substance. Then there are some that love it so hot that everyone gets burnt.

But, I still love it when the preacher gets up to preach and pulls out the old Apostolic Family Recipe and feeds the flock as though it was the Lord Himself who prepared the meal. It ‘s always nourishing and tastes just right!

My advice for today is:

Boycott Trashy Gumbo!




Written by Martyn Ballestero

July 14, 2015 at 5:16 pm

1,000,000 Visitors To The Ballestero Blog!

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1,000,000 Visitors To The Ballestero Blog!


I extend humble and grateful thanks to all of you for your readership. I am amazed that 364,536 readers from 194 countries (every country in the world, except one) have visited my blog.

My dear sister, Nila Marxer has been my tireless proofreader and editor. I will be forever indebted to her. Thank you, my dear!

As some of you might guess, these Blogs have generated much interest:

  • I Don’t Like Facial Hair On Pentecostal Men
  • They’re Everywhere (Knees showing in church)
  • Why My English Teacher Wanted To Be Baptized In Jesus Name
  • The Pentecostals At The Church Of Christ Funeral

I am personally criticized, cursed and trashed almost daily, mainly by worldly seeking Pentecostals who have forsaken the old paths. No matter what their criticism is of the holiness lifestyle, I refuse to change.

I remain as committed as ever to the Apostolic Doctrine.

  • Loving the Acts 2:38 plan of Salvation,
  • Seeking to live holy in an unholy world.
  • Loving the old paths.
  • Attempting to encourage and uplift the body of Christ.
  • Reaching for every lost soul I can.

Thank You Again!

Yours In His Service,

Martyn J. Ballestero Sr.



Thanks A Million

Written by Martyn Ballestero

July 1, 2015 at 9:14 am

Posted in Thankfulness