The Ballestero Blog

"That's what I'm talking about!"

William Richard Starr

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William R. Starr

My wife’s father had great influence and impact on my life. I sorely regret that he left this life at the age of 62. His legacy lives on in his daughters and their children. He was deeply loved and respected. His memory is hallowed in our hearts.

Dad Starr was an awesome leader, pastor, preacher, and writer.




“Jesus The Song”

This 30 minute sermon preached at Michigan Camp Meeting  by Dad Starr on the 4th of July,

It’s probably his Best Remembered Sermon! This sermon was converted by a listener into four 7 minute segments.

Sorry for that  inconvenience. But other than that, Enjoy!

01 Jesus The Song

02 Jesus The Song

03 Jesus The Song

04 Jesus The Song




In January of 1951, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shaffer and Nannie (Patrick) Yates of Albion asked Rev. A.G. Anderson, pastor of Christian Temple of Jackson, Michigan to come and hold services in Albion. These services were continued by another young man, who in April of 1951 secured the V.F.W. Hall on Cass Street for Friday night Prayer Meeting. In June of that same year Rev. Anderson resigned and turned the leadership over to Rev. William R. Starr.

Rev. Starr organized a Sunday School and there were seven present. This small group consisted of Bro. and Sis. Shaffer and their daughter Linda, Nannie Patrick Yates, Marie Fellows, Pastor and Mrs. Starr and their daughter Marcia.

Rev. and Mrs. Starr decided to name this new work Christ Apostolic Church. Rev. Starr was working for the Secretary of State, at the time, as a field man in Coldwater, Michigan. He asked for, and was granted, a transfer to Albion. The church grew steadily with people being filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in almost every service. There was a great need for a church building.

A site was purchased on the corner of Lincoln and Adams Streets for a new church building in 1952. In March of 1953 construction was started on the basement with work beginning on the edifice later that year. The saints labored many hours, often in the 100 degree temperatures. A dozen local firms and tradesmen worked on the building also. In 1955 the auditorium was completed. The block building had a large auditorium, Sunday School rooms, nursery, dining hall and kitchen facilities.
In addition to Pastor and Mrs. Starr the officials of the church at that time were trustees Elick Patrick and Ernest Shaffer. The General Fund Treasurer was Ernest Shaffer and the Building Fund Treasurer was Dee Patrick. The Sunday School Superintendent and Secretary were Vernon and Jean Elkins. The church Secretary was Mrs. June Starr. Sis. Elkins still serves the church in this capacity today.

In 1959 Rev. Starr was elected as Superintendent of the Michigan District of the United Pentecostal Church International after having served in the capacities as Youth President and Sectional Presbyter. During his 28 years in this office he also served as Executive Presbyter for the Eastern United States of the UPCI.

In 1975, Christ Apostolic Church was again in need of new facilities. Larger facilities. Rev. Starr searching would eventually take him to a property that already had an erect building, the old First Baptist Church on Superior Street. This property was secured. This building, along with the new Sanctuary, are were the church are still holding services.

In February of 1987 Rev. William R. Starr departed this life. In March of 1987, his son-in-law, Rev. G. David Trammell was voted in as pastor. He and his wife Rebecca (Starr) had two children, Marcus and Farrah. Rev. and Mrs. Trammell are today still serving Christ Apostolic as pastor.

(Taken from the Christ Apostolic Church website.)







Dad (WR Starr), Marcia (Ballestero), Mom (June Starr) Graduation 1965

What Is Class


William R. Starr

To All My Beautiful Daughters

Class never runs scared. It is sure-footed and confident in the knowledge that you can meet life head on and handle whatever comes along.

Jacob had it. Esau didn’t. Symbolically, we can look to Jacob’s wrestling match with the angel. Those who have class have wrestled with their own personal angel and won a victory that marks them thereafter.

Class never makes excuses. It takes lumps and learns from past mistakes. Class is considerate of others. It knows that good manners are nothing more than a series of small sacrifices.

Class bespeaks an aristocracy that has nothing to do with ancestors or money. The most affluent blue blood can be totally without class, while the descendant of a Welsh miner may ooze class from every pore.

Class never tries to build itself up by tearing others down. Class is already up and need not strive to look better by making others look worse.

Class can “walk with kings and keep its virtue and talk with crowds and keep the common touch.” Everyone is comfortable with the person who has class because he is comfortable with himself.

If you have class you don’t need much of anything else.  If you don’t have it, no matter what else you have, it doesn’t make much difference.


Written by Martyn Ballestero

January 19, 2010 at 1:00 pm

3 Responses

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  1. I have been gone from the Albion Church since 1980. I sat under his leadership for 27yrs. I still call him my pastor. His teachings has kept me all these years.

    Keith Yeager

    February 1, 2010 at 2:50 pm

  2. Thank you Marty and also Alexa for keeping Brother Starr’s sermon alive. He was always a clear speaker. I especially enjoyed the article to his daughter on class. I have never heard anyone do a better job on the definition of class. June {Starr} Davis

    Marian June Davis

    March 13, 2010 at 7:57 am

  3. I had the privilege of being under the Starr ministry for 36+ year. Pastor Starr, was a great influence in my life and he believed in me. He often encouraged me to write for the MIchigan District New and Sister Gloria Stephens was a gracious editor. He treated me as one of his own and had no problem putting me in my place if he though I was heading the wrong direction. His teachings are embedded in the core of my being. The truths of the word, the plan of salvation, the oneness of God, the old paths should be the new paths of today. They will get you through life without wavering.

    Phyllis Woods

    April 1, 2020 at 4:05 pm

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